What is a site management system?
There is an opinion among ordinary users that only well-trained specialists can develop and maintain Internet projects. Of course, a good specialist in any matter will not hurt, but not always this specialist is needed at all stages of the project.
If as an example to take the usual computer program at once it becomes clear what it is a question of. Programmers develop programs, but all programs are intended for simple users and the purpose of any created program is just to facilitate the work of the user. Otherwise, why do we need programmers and the programs themselves?
All the above is applicable to any branch of computer systems. Each program is designed to simplify the work of an ordinary person familiar with computer systems at the user level. Internet technologies are no exception in this respect.
From the moment of occurrence in a network the first sites “compared” in the Notebook by means of programming language HTML has passed many years. Now came the era of intelligent and trained programs that can offer people very different ways to create Internet projects at the level of an ordinary computer system user.
It became possible thanks to specialized programs or so-called Content System Management (CMS). In literal translation this name means – Content Management System or content, because the system really manages the content of the site or as it is customary to speak in the English-speaking environment – content.
In Russian translation the name of the site management system is “accustomed”. So what is a site management system?
Site management system is a complex program that allows a simple person not familiar with programming to create and maintain Internet projects of any complexity.
The site management system provides the user with the necessary visual means to create interactive pages of the site, the contents of which can be changed in seconds using the built-in text editor.
In addition, CMS provide the user with a huge range of additional services, such as management of users of the site, the publication of news or articles, forums, blogs, online stores, galleries, bulletin boards and much more.
If you decide to implement your own Internet project, then you just can’t do without a site management system. It is only important to choose the system for your project.
In general, all systems are a basis for working with users of the site, news, photos, personal messages, and so on, so the choice of a system will depend on the direction and complexity of your project.
In the market now there is a large, if not a huge number of different systems of site management, among which there are free development and paid.
Self-written CMS or “factory”
Many web studios are engaged in site development and use their own site management systems, which are used only within the studio.

For various reasons, these CMS do not get to the mass market, but in most cases, it is either completely “raw” systems or developers just provide a possible cloudless future.
It is not a secret that by “putting” the customer on his CMS in the future developers can count on some income from assistance in editing the site, because the customer is entirely dependent on this CMS and developers.
By the way, several times I’ve heard from singles or small web studios saying that our site management system is so brilliant and good that we just don’t want to release it on the market.
It seems that this is the last thing we need to believe in, and if the product is so good, then its place is in the market. But I will notice that writing a CMS for a certain project is also an option and such cases are not isolated, but when it is really necessary.
Thus it is necessary to understand that we speak not that the control system of a site which has not received sufficient distribution is badly made or realised in haste, is not present. It is not that. The system can be really brilliant, but its “links” to the web studio or a single person, ruin all its genius.
Suppose that in the future such a person will find a more exciting job, and the web studio will take and stop to exist, what then? Then you will be alone with this product without technical support and development of the system itself!
Paid or free CMS
As for the choice between a paid system or a free system, this question sooner or later arises for users wishing to implement their own Internet project. All of us think and stop before choosing to use a free or commercial system.
To a greater extent here, much depends on the tasks that will be solved in this or that project. If you have decided to make a simple homepage or blog, you can do without free site management system, the same WordPress as a personal blog – this is the best solution. If you have decided to seriously organize your business on the Internet, then, most likely, you will need a reliable commercial product.
Buying any paid program a person strives to get, first of all, a stable working application, quality product, timely technical support, regular updates of the program, a set of various documentation and other nice bonuses, typical for any commercial product.
Buying a commercial system, you can be sure that you will receive any technical support and update of the program in time, which will allow you to promptly update the existing components of the system and to protect the project from possible hacking and other troubles by 100%.
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